Savage Opress – ‘Star Wars’ Character Spotlight
This week, we’re looking at Savage Opress on our Star Wars Character Spotlight, our second-favorite Zabrak darksider. Voiced by the legendary Clancy Brown, Savage Opress existed entirely in The Clone Wars animated series, a Force-sensitive Zabrak who allied himself with various dark side users throughout the war. Savage was plucked from obscurity and used as a pawn by the larger dark side players to achieve their own ends, eventually finding kinship in his fellow Zabrak Darth Maul. Dathomir Savage was the leader of his clan of Nightbrothers on Dathomir, living in subservience to the Nightsister witches. When Asajj Ventress announced that she would host a competition for a Nightbrother to prove his worth as her mate and servant, Savage competed against his brothers for what he thought ...