Tuesday, May 21

‘Star Wars: Inquisitors’ Comic Miniseries Coming This Year

Lucasfilm has announced that the Inquisitors are getting their own Star Wars comic miniseries this July.


Titled Star Wars: Inquisitors, the comic will follow the Inquisitorius as they hunt Tensu Run, a new character described as a survivor of Order 66 who has drawn the attention of Darth Vader, the Inquisitors’ master. Tensu is trying to rebuild the Jedi Order and spreading messages of hope, so Vader wants him dead as soon as possible.


The story is written by Rodney Barnes, with artwork by Ramon Rosanas. Barnes shared his excitement for the series.


It’s such an honor to be writing the very first Inquisitors solo story!” Barnes tells StarWars.com. “I love this time period of Star Wars lore because it’s the one I grew up on — when Darth Vader and the Empire were imposing their will on the entire galaxy. Plus, I got to create an all-new legendary Jedi with Tensu Run! Truly the best of times!


StarWars.com also released the cover for the first issue, along with two alternate covers starring the Grand Inquisitor. The main cover shows him leading the Fifth Brother, Seventh Sister and Ninth Sister into battle.



The Inquisitors often get their share of flack for not being as powerful or competent as Darth Vader, but their backstories are often complicated and interesting. Hopefully it will make for an engaging and exciting story.

Josh is a huge Star Wars fan, who has spent far too much time wondering if any Star Wars character could defeat Thanos with all the Infinity Stones.

source: www.starwarsnewsnet.com