Saturday, February 8

CMSSF Bentivegna talks with senior enlisted Guardians > United States Space Force > Article Display

“We get to do some really exciting stuff in the Space Force,” said Chief Master Sgt. of the Space Force John Bentivegna. “Our mission is at the heart of joint warfighting and protecting our way of life!”

Bentivegna gave two talks for U.S. Space Force master sergeants and senior master sergeants stationed at Peterson Space Force Base, Schriever SFB, and Cheyenne Mountain Complex, on Jan. 10, as an opportunity to shape the future of the USSF and receive feedback from key enlisted leaders.

When asked why he wanted to speak to these two specific groups, Bentivegna said they are the group he doesn’t get to speak to often but are a pivotal cohort for the success of the USSF.

“When I speak and engage, it’s usually with a mixed audience and I haven’t had a chance to talk to these groups specifically. I’m speaking to this audience of master sergeants and senior master sergeants because there are specific things, as we’ve been evolving, that I need them to understand and get after for the Space Force,” he said.

Bentivegna added that the Space Force is leveraging its senior NCOs more as it continues to evolve and shift, and is pushing more responsibility onto them, not only from a care and feeding standpoint but also operationally, as they are who is going to allow the service to evolve to where it needs to go.

Bentivegna also emphasized the importance of these talks being in a dialog format so that he can get feedback and ensure that initiatives are understood and being implemented as intended.

“This is an opportunity to have that dialog and discussion. To give them my perspective on where we’re going, what I need them to do, but more so, I want to hear from them,” Bentivegna said. “When we talk about the initiatives and the vision that we are putting out; how is that being received? Is the message being translated effectively? Are we on track? What do they need me to take back to the Pentagon to address on their behalf?”

Among the topics Bentivegna discussed were mission objectives and requirements. He emphasized the importance of clarity in communication so that objectives and specific requirements are understood down the chain of command.

Bentivegna also discussed noncommisioned officer development on various fronts such as professionalism in the new dress and appearance regulations being written for the USSF, ensuring the best performers get promoted, recognizing good performance in more ways than just awards, and ensuring senior NCOs have their college degrees completed.



