Sunday, January 26


Senate Briefing on The Skinwalker Ranch and AARO’s Sean Kirkpatrick

Senate Briefing on The Skinwalker Ranch and AARO’s Sean Kirkpatrick

The Skinwalker Strikes Back Former AARO boss get clobbered by friendly fire "But the first question we should ask is, why is this guy [Sean Kirkpatrick] still doing press interviews in the first place? Is it vanity? Are there rhetorical or other scores he feels the need to settle with real or imagined antagonists?"      Well that interview didn’t go according to script, did it?See, this is what happens when an ostensibly smart guy like Sean Kirkpatrick surrounds himself with hand-picked beat reporters who, in pursuit of access to power and sourcing, swallow each and every pronouncement on faith and refuse to call him out on anything. Like Muhammad Ali, Kirkpatrick should’ve been preparing for the unexpected j...
The Shocking Police Encounter That Defies Explanation • Latest UFO Sightings

The Shocking Police Encounter That Defies Explanation • Latest UFO Sightings

On January 5th, 2000, a remarkable UFO sighting occurred over the state of Illinois near Scott Air Force Base, leaving multiple police officers and witnesses baffled. Known as the Illinois Triangle UFO sighting, this event involved detailed testimonies and audio recordings, providing substantial evidence of a massive, triangular unidentified flying object.Initial SightingThe first individual to notice the unusual occurrence was Melvin Null, a truck driver and owner of a miniature golf course in Highland, Illinois. Around 4:00 a.m., Null observed what he initially thought was a bright star in the northeastern sky. However, as he continued to watch, he realized that the light was moving towards him. Upon closer inspection, he identified the light as part of a large, rectangular object, rough...
Unexplained UFO Sightings Near Nuclear Weapons Sites, Facilities

Unexplained UFO Sightings Near Nuclear Weapons Sites, Facilities

     An article at The Hill explores "interactions between UFOs and ultra-sensitive U.S. nuclear assets [that] date back nearly eight decades." The author, Marik von Rennenkampff, highlights several instances throughout history, here is a sampling below: By The UFO Chronicles4-27-24 • The Green Fireballs Phenomenon: Beginning in 1948 airline pilots began reporting sightings of "green fireballs." The subject of aerial phenomenon was classified secret, and the 4th Army approached Dr. Lincoln LaPaz, an American astronomer from the University of New Mexico and a pioneer in the study of meteors for assistance. In a secret meeting at Los Alamos in February of 1949, LaPaz stated for the record that, "Nothing like this to my knowledge, has ever been observed in the case of meteorite ...